Top of the Bay

Top of the Bay Regatta 2023

Hosted by Port Melbourne Yacht Club on 11th Feb 2023.

Williamstown Sailing Club is taking part in the Top of the Bay (TOTB) inter-club challenge at Port Melbourne Club (PMYC). The Top of the Bay regatta is an annual competition held between Williamstown Sailing Club, Port Melbourne Yacht Club, Altona Yacht Club, Elwood Sailing Club, Albert Sailing Club and Albert Park Yacht Club, Royal Melbourne Yacht Squadron, Royal Yacht Club of Victoria and Hobson's Bay Yacht ClubThe regatta is open to all classes that have an official AS yardstick (or converted CBH) and that are on the register of one of these participating Clubs.

(i) The Sailing Committee encourages all WSC sailors to take part - as it is fun, easy to sail across to and is a great inter-Club experience. 
(ii) Entry will be coordinated via WSC in accordance with the NOR
(iii) SI will be posted as soon as available.

First Signal 14:00 hrs.


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