
WSC New Year’s Eve 2020

Published Thu 17 Dec 2020

WSC New Year’s Eve 2020

New Year's Eve at the Club.

Dear Member,

This year COVID-19 has restricted many activities including the usual Melbourne Firework event on New Year's Eve. We wish to inform you that there will be no Club organised NYE events, but the Club will be available for members to use with COVID-19 restricted use.

In order to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all members who wish to enjoy the Club rooms on the night, whilst also ensuring compliance with our liquor licensing requirements can you please abide by the following:In order to provide a safe and comfortable environment for all members who wish to enjoy the Club rooms on teh night, whilst also ensuring compliance with our liquor licensing requirements can you please abide by the following:

  • The Bar will not be open on the night (see below).
  • BBQ is closed.
  • Access is via the Ramp gate – please ensure it is locked after entry.
  • Register All with our QR Code/SMS to assist with COVID tracing.
  • Any Guests will also need to sign the visitor book.
  • A maximum of Three (3) guests per member due to COVID capacity restraints.
  • Members and guests must arrive together and stay together.
  • Maintain 1.5m from others unless they are from same household.
  • Wear a mask around the Club, except when drinking or eating.
  • Smokers please use designated smoking area on South Upper deck.
  • Abide by All Room limits – if too many please leave. Function Room limit is 28 and Upper Deck limit is 23.
  • Please clean up after you, use the correct recycle bins and leave the Club as you found it, and please ensure all doors and gates are locked if you are the last to leave.

Our Liquor Licensing requirements:

You are permitted to BYO drinks when the Bar is closed during licensing hours. On New Year’s Eve we have an extension on our usual 11:30pm closing time to 1am on New Year’s Day. No alcohol can be consumed if under 18 years and after this time. You must ensure responsible serving and consumption of alcohol. Intoxicated persons are not permitted on the premises.

Members will be responsible for ensuring a safe environment, by complying with the above.

Season’s Greetings and a Happy New Year,

Committee of Management.

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