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Saturday 22nd June midday – nominations close for 2024-25 Committee of Management
and we hold General Meeting for Club Fee Setting 2024-25
Winter working bees – every Saturday, May to late September.

There has been a great deal of work going on at our working bees. Thanks to Leon Raymond and Steve Forster for co-ordinating these and making sure that we have all the materials to get things done.
We need your help at our Winter Working Bees in maintaining and refreshing the Club facilities for the upcoming year.
We’ve compiled a list of jobs to do over the season and the list has been placed on the whiteboard outside the Canteen, but just come up and ask and we have plenty of things that need doing and will be appreciated. It could be sailing boat repairs, sorting out gear, cleaning and tidying the rooms, painting walls or helping with the repairs to the floating pontoons and ramp walkway.
Some of the jobs are fairly easy and can be done quite quickly whilst others are more complex and will take longer. The Club will provide all the necessary tools and supplies to complete the jobs and there will also be plenty of Club members on hand to provide advice or technical support where needed.
So please, come down to the Club on any Saturday morning from 9.30am onwards from now until the start of the sailing season and lend a hand in preserving this amazing facility. Whether it’s one Saturday or many, your time and effort will make a positive difference so please help out as much as you can.
We have a tea break at 11am where there we gather for a good old fashion catch up and yarn – there is often homemade cake and good company.
We are so very fortunate that we have such dedicated members who volunteer their time and expertise. Thank you!