
Reminder of General Meeting: Membership fee-setting

Published Mon 10 May 2021

Dear Members,

A General Meeting for Membership fee-setting will be held this Wednesday, May 12th 2021, 8pm upstairs at the Club Rooms.

May we remind you that all annual and regular fees and subscriptions are decided by the majority of members present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting held in May each year. The fees include the nomination fee, annual subscriptions for each class of member, and all sundry fees. Social members are not entitled to vote at the Club's General Meeting.

The CoM will be holding our May monthly CoM meeting at the Club rooms on May 12 from 7.30pm, which will be paused at 8pm to hold the General Meeting to set the Fees for season 2021-22.

Any members wishing to attend the General Meeting will need to abide by the Club COVIDSafe Plan, including social distancing and hand hygiene.

We hope to see you there.

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