Spring is here – the sun is shining and its time to put on your wetsuits if you haven’t been sailing over
winter. We are excited to announce that we can officially open our season on Sunday October 6. We
are sorry for the late notice, but have had extensive maintenance and repair work on the launching
pontoons and landing to ensure that we are all safe.
Thanks to a small group of dedicated volunteers, we are nearing completion and will be ready for
Open Day on Sunday October 6. We look forward to seeing everyone to celebrate the start of a new
Sailing season.
Program: 12.00 Acknowledgement of Country
12.05 Welcome from the Commodore: Leon Raymond
12.20 Introduction: Jude Blackwood -2023-2024 Life member
12.25 Jude raises Club Burgee & declares season officially open
12.30 Race Briefing – Vice Commodore, Maree Fitzpatrick
13.00 Sail Past
13.30 Club Race
Guests to enjoy afternoon tea
We look forward to seeing you! Dress up your boat, paint your face – its time to celebrate!