
Notice of General Meeting to Set Club Fees for 2024-25

Published Mon 20 May 2024

The General Meeting to decide the Club’s Fees and subscriptions for 2024-25 will take place at the Club rooms at 12 noon on Saturday 22nd June 2024.


The Committee of Management hereby has given notice that the General Meeting to decide the Club’s Fees and subscriptions for 2024-25(under Rule 19.2 (b)) will take place at the Club rooms at 12 noon on Saturday 22nd June. All that are entitled to vote are invited to attend and vote on the proposed annual fees for 2024-25.

All annual and regular fees and subscriptions (including the nomination fee and the annual subscription for each class of Member, and any sundry fees) will be decided by the majority of Members (as referred to in Rule 5.2(a)) present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting held in May each year. The Committee apologises for the delay in holding this General Meeting as per the rules, which is due to a larger than usual workload. 


The Committee of Management recommends to the members a small increase of 2% to cover increased operating costs, acknowledging the significantly higher inflationary costs experienced by the members, but mindful of significant infrastructure costs in the pipeline. 


We look forward to your attendance and contribution to finalising the fees for the coming year. 

Many Thanks

The Committee of Management
Williamstown Sailing Club

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