
Membership Fees for 2024/25 season

Published Wed 26 Jun 2024

At the General Meeting held at the Club rooms on 22nd June, the fees for the coming season from 1 July 2024 were voted on by a quorum of those eligible and present at the meeting. Any Mooring Maintenance Fees will be invoiced in Early January and not required to be paid at Membership renewal time.

The new fees for 2024/25 season are:

Family Sailing


Individual Snr Sailing (>18yrs)


Full Time Student Sailing (18-25yrs)


Junior Sailing (<18yrs)


Family Ordinary


Individual Snr Ordinary (>18yrs)


Full Time Student Ordinary (18-25yrs)


Junior Ordinary (<18yrs)


Family Social


Individual Snr Social (>18yrs)




Nomination Fee


Other Fees


Boat Registration (OTB, Trailable, Moored)


Ramp Boat Registration


Boat Registration (Junior)


Boat Storage (OTB, Junior Minnow)


Kayak Rego & Storage




Club Pacer Hire (Casual)


Club James Pearl Hire (Casual, unless organised training development)


Club Pacer Hire (Season)


Mooring Maintenance (Long)


Mooring Maintenance (Short)


Bi-Lock Key Deposit


Optional Salto Access FOB


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