
Covid Announcement 17 Sept 2021

Published Sat 18 Sep 2021

Hello to Current and soon to be renewed members,

It is great that Victoria has now reached 70% of our first dose vaccination target. The Victorian Government has announced some new freedoms that take effect from midnight Friday 17th.

I am only going to mention the changes that are relevant for access to our club facilities. I am sure you all know what other limitations there are about being out and about in Melbourne– if not check out this site.

The two most significant changes for club members are :

  • that you can now travel up to 10km from your place of residence
  • And you can now exercise up to four hours a day,

This means sailing, kayaking and fishing are allowed as long as

  • It is within 10km from home
  • For up to 4hrs, once per day
  • With a mask
  • Can be with one other person (plus dependents that cannot be left unattended)

We are still not permitted to run working bees or have people inside the club buildings except to access kayaks and boats in the boat storage area.

Please be aware that the Water Police have been patrolling the local area, and have been checking on kayaker’s addresses. Make sure if you are out on the water, you are not more than 10 kms from your home.

By now you all know the drill re accessing the club facilities: please only enter through the ramp gate; log in using the QR code; wear masks; keep social distance from others and do not enter the club except for the boat storage area from the decking gate.

At this stage we do not know when we will be able to start our sailing program for this year due to the on ongoing limitations in Melbourne. Our proposed Open Day for the 2nd October is postponed to a future date to be announced when we can.

It is a challenging time for us all, and I hope that as many of you as possible are out getting your vaccinations so that we can all move forward to a more positive future.

Kind Regards

Lois Hunt


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