
Covid 19 Update 24 July

Published Fri 24 Jul 2020

24 July Update from the Commodore: Club impact under COVID-19

Dear Members,

I hope that you are all safe and well during this pandemic, and looking forward to warmer weather and a time when we can get back to socialising with our fellow members and have full access to our water activities.

Following up on my previous message on the restrictions;

The Clubhouse continues to remain closed to all members and visitors until further notice.

  • Members can check their moored boats (access via boat ramp gate).
  • Individuals can continue recreational boating, fishing, kayaking and single handed sailing – whilst applying the Government restrictions (as per previous message).
  • No Club Working Bees, until further notice.
  • When on Club premises please wear a face mask.

Under the current Victorian Government COVID-19 restrictions the Club must remain closed until further notice – this means no access to the Clubhouse via the front door, slipway side door or past the boat storage sliding door. The exception is that the Government has allowed Club toilets to be used under the restrictions, but only if needed.

Please abide by these restrictions, so that we can keep all members safe and Victoria can transition again back to easied restrictions.

Otherwise, all other conditions are as per my previous message.

Thank you for your continued understanding and cooperation during this period and stay safe and well.

Warm regards

Brian Fentiman, Commodore

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