
Club Updates and changes due to ongoing Covid situation

Published Mon 10 Jan 2022

Hello All Members,
Even though we thought we had done the hard yards over the last two years with Covid and were looking forward to a more ‘normal’ new year, things don’t always turn out how we would like. Covid has certainly spread far and wide around Australia and in our own community. I am aware of quite a number of WSC members who have recently had Covid or are just in the midst of having it and feeling unwell. Whatever your situation, I wish you all a speedy and safe recovery.
The Victorian Government has extended its Pandemic Declaration for another 3 months, and I am sure during that time there will be various changes to regulations and restrictions, depending on what is happening in our communities. We will only send out notification of major changes that impact your use and activity at the Club. An updated WSC Covid Safe Plan will be uploaded to the website in the next few days covering some changes.
The rules relevant at the moment that impact us at Williamstown Sailing Club are that anyone over 8 years of age must wear masks when inside the Club buildings and everyone must sign in using the QR code. There are no density limits applicable within the club, but I would recommend that members do not gather in groups indoors. You do not need to wear masks outdoors. Please do not come to the Club if you or family members are unwell, you are still within the isolation period or you still have any Covid symptoms.
As the vaccinations are now available for a wider age range, we are changing the requirement for compulsory double vaccination to attend sailing, training or social events at the club. From the first of February all members and visitors from 12 years & 2 months of age upwards will be required to show proof of double vaccination to enter the club to attend sailing, training or social events. We are giving a few weeks’ notice on this to let families and younger members be aware of the changes. Also, as we are hosting the Minnow State Titles on 26/27 February, we can promote these changed Club regulations to attendees for that event to encourage safe practices for all.
The Club is certainly still open for sailing and fishing activities. So please still come down and use the Club facilities, just remember social distancing, wear masks indoors and sign in to the QR Code. Last Saturday I thoroughly enjoyed skippering the James Pearl with two members who have recently graduated from the Learn to Sail Course and a visitor who signed up on the spot to become a member after the race. A great fun way to spend Saturday afternoon out in the fresh and windy conditions with some enthusiastic female sailors.
Please all take care, look after family and friends and I look forward to seeing you at the Club sometime soon.
Kind Regards
Lois Hunt


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