
Club is now Open for Members

Published Mon 01 Nov 2021

Congratulations to everyone who has helped us reach the 80% double vaccination target. Life is starting to begin again as we sort of knew it. Meals out, family visiting and now WSC is opening! Victoria has reached the 80% double vaccination level for people 16+, and we are very pleased to announce the Club opened for members and visitors on Saturday, 30th October.

The Committee of Management had a special meeting to plan for the reopening of our Club to members. Based on the government and AIS COVID guidelines, we are confident that our members and visitors will continue to follow all requirements necessary to keep everyone safe. We received an excellent response to our vaccination status survey conducted over the past week, with a 50% response rate. Key findings from the survey:

  • 98% of members were fully vaccinated,
  • 81% support full vaccination for all members including training programs and social visitors

We acknowledge that some members may have differing opinions, however, the Committee of Management has a duty of care to our members and volunteers to provide a safe environment. The results of this survey provided a clear expectation from our members. Thanks to all who completed the survey. Your comments and feedback have helped guide our decision making.

Based on the government Roadmap and our Club Roadmap which is designed to protect our members, WSC will implement the following from Saturday October 30:

  • Competitive sailing and training programs can operate (Open Day 13 November).
  • Club rooms are open, including toilets, change rooms and showers.
  • Anyone who attends or participates in an organised sailing activity, such as Saturday racing and training courses or who attends an organised social activity will need to be double vaccinated to enter the club facilities, including the rigging areas. This will include Club members and any visitors (excepting anyone with a certified medical exemption).
  • On sailing days, to manage the checking of vaccinations, members and visitors must enter via the ramp gate.
  • Everyone must continue to sign in using the VIC Services App QR code system. You will need to show proof of vaccination at least once for organised events (this can either be a digital or hard copy record)
  • Masks must be worn indoors. They can be removed for eating and drinking.
  • There are restrictions on the number of people allowed in the various parts of the Club- both indoors and outdoors. There will be signs to indicate this.
  • If you are having a private social gathering at the Club at any time, please enter via the Club front door and enter your group’s details in the new Members and Visitors record book that will be in the foyer next to the Visitors book. We openly encourage members and guests who are double vaccinated to attend. Remember to still sign in using the VIC Services App QR code.
  • To help maintain a clean and safe environment for all, cleaning products will be distributed around the upstairs deck and inside tables for members to clean down tables and chairs prior to and after use. Also, clean up your rubbish in to the correct bins, and if you use the upstairs kitchen ensure it is cleaned thoroughly and items put away.


To make managing the mandatory vaccination recording of members and visitors an easy process, we will be allocating to all who attend sailing activities (over 16years of age) and who have shown their vaccination proof, a Williamstown Sailing Club coloured wristband. Wristbands will be given to regular visitors, such as Tackers parents. A simpler option of identification of vaccination will be finalised for irregular visitors, prior to Opening Day. These wristbands are to be worn any time you come to the Club and when you are undertaking any activity at the Club involving sailing. These wristbands can be worn in the water. Using these wristbands will help to easily show your fellow members and those who have to manage this process, that you are fully vaccinated.

The Committee of Management will continue to monitor the strategies we have implemented to help provide a safe and COVID free environment for all at the Club and review these at our December Monthly meeting and again at the end of January.

On behalf of the Committee of Management I would like to wish you all a safe and exciting return to use of the Club and participation in our organised activities.

Lois Hunt


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