
Annual General Meeting 2019-2020

Published Tue 01 Sep 2020

Notice is hereby given that the Annual General Meeting of the Club will be held via online webinar at 2pm Sunday 20 September 2020. We invite all members to attend online with a simple link to be provided before the meeting along with all meeting submissions attached. Currently, there are no items of special business to discuss and vote on. Due to COVID-19 the meeting will not be held at the Club rooms, as is the custom.


  1. To confirm minutes of the previous Annual General Meeting and of any general meetings since then.
  2. To receive from the Committee reports upon transactions of the Club during the preceding financial year.
  3. To elect Committee members
  4. Any special business of which notice has been given in accordance with the rules.
  5. To confirm the Committee of Management

Look out for an email containing the information for you to participate in the comfort of your home.


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