
1 Oct 20 COVID Update for Club for Recreational Boating and Fishing Members

Published Fri 02 Oct 2020

1 Oct 20 COVID Update for Club Recreational Boating and Fishing Members

Dear Members,

Good news.

Further to the Victorian Government’s announcement on Sunday regarding Step 2, Boating Victoria and Australian Sailing have today issued details regarding updates to recreational Boating and fishing and summarised the restrictions that still remain in place. The announcement on 29 Sept 20 regarding Sailing remains current.

Recreational Boating And Fishing: Allowed (conditions apply, as below)

From 11:59pm on 27 September, metropolitan Melbourne entered the Second Step of its roadmap with some changes to recreational boating and fishing:

Individuals are able to go boating and fishing within 5km of your home and a 2-hour time limit applies. You must maintain physical distance and group limits apply.

Everyone must wear a fitted face mask, covering your nose and mouth when they leave home, unless a lawful exemption applies.

You must adhere to the following:

  • You can only fish or boat if you live within a 5km radius of the Club.
  • The 2 hours of exercise includes travel to and from the Club.
  • Comply with the prescribed restrictions listed below.

Prescribed Restrictions

  • Wear a mask at all times, unless you have a lawful reason for not doing so.
  • Maintain a physical distance by keeping at least 1.5 metres between you and others.
  • Practise good hygiene – wash your hands before, during and after visiting the Club.
  • Cough and sneeze into a tissue or your elbow.
  • If you have any signs (cough, runny nose) get tested and stay at home.
  • Must come dressed ready and leave straight after.
  • Must enter Club premises via Ramp boat gate.
  • Fishing from piers/marinas/jetties are not allowed.

The Clubhouse, Upper Deck and BBQ area – REMAINS CLOSED

No access to change rooms or Toilets. Only authorised CoM members and contractors are permitted.

Please note as further information comes to hand Australian Sailing will update the Victorian page of the AS COVID hub or via Boating Victoria Website.

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