Learn to Race - October 2022

Event information

Registrations for this event are not currently available.

Our Learn to Race (LTR) course is designed to provide the key skills and confidence required for novice sailors transitioning into our Club’s afternoon racing program. Participants will learn how to rig a boat for performance, understand boat trim and balance, centreboard positions and how to round marks effectively. They learn about the racing flags and signals, how to identify line bias and different course configurations.

Each course will be followed by a Supported Green Fleet Race (SFGR) which is held at the same time as our afternoon race.

Course Inclusions

  • 6 hours tuition with experienced sailors
  • Free use of our Club pacers and life jackets if required


  • LTR is open to Williamstown Sailing Club (WSC) members only
  • This course is best suited to our Learn to Sail graduates - up to 3 years post-graduation
  • Members who provide their own boat must have a minimum of 3rd party insurance and have signed the Clubs Safety Declaration


  • LTR is free



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