Sailing Safety & Insurance


Registering for the 2024/2025 WSC season.

  • Skippers need lodge a Safety Declaration for any boat they sail at the Club, regardless of whether they own the boat or not.
  • Skippers need to lodge a Certificate of Insurance for any boat that they enter into a gazetted Club sailing event (i.e., gazetted racing, training or social sailing). The Certificate of Insurance must indicate that the insurance policy provides third-party liability insurance to the value of $10,000,000 for the boat.
  • Skippers who are not the owner of the boat they sail have the responsibility to ensure that the insurance policy they upload also covers them as skipper (i.e., in addition to covering the owner of the boat). 


Lodging Safety And Insurance Declarations

Note: if you have already lodged these documents and need to lodge a renewed Certificate of Compliance for your boat, then go to the following page: Insurance Renewal

Step 1

Log into the Club's RevSport web site. You will find the "Log in" button at the top right-hand corner of the Club's web site If you have forgotten your login details then you can click on the "Forgot login details?" text beneath the username / password entry, and details will be sent to the email address that you have registered with the Club.

Step 2

Download and complete all the necessary Safety Declaration checklist for your type of boat before the start of the season. These checklists can be found on  Entering as a Competitor page.

and can be (i) on-line using your browser, (ii) downloaded and filled in by Adobe Acrobat Reader or equivalent, or (iii) printed out, filled in manually and then scanned or photographed. Either way, the completed form needs to be saved to your device for later upload. Please be aware that some photographs of these documents will not be accepted due to their file size.  

You need to lodge a separate Safety Declaration for each of your boats registered at WSC, regardless of whether or not you intend to enter them into a race series.

Step 3

Double-check that you have logged in to the RevSport site (if you see "Hi" and your first name on the right-hand side of the black at the top of the Club website then you are logged in, otherwise you are not).

Then go sequentially to one or more of the following links to lodge your Safety Declaration(s) and Insurance Certificate(s). You will need to repeat this process separately for every boat that you have or intend to skipper at WSC (i.e., use the first link for the first boat, the second link for the second boat, the third link for the third boat).

Note that these Events are hidden from view on the Events webpage, you can only reach them via clicking on one of the above links.

Step 4

Once you have navigated to one of the above links, click "Register" in the left-hand panel, then click "YES" when it asks you whether you are attending the Event and select YES or NO appropriately to the question about you intend compete and/or use any of your boats in a training course at WSC during this season. Then provide, if asked, the details of the boat, and the names of the skipper and crew.

Step 5

Upload your completed Safety Declaration for the boat you intend to sail, as well as a valid Insurance Certificate if you will be skippering the boat WSC racing series or regattas or use it in a WSC training course. Note that photos of documents may exceed the maximum size permitted for upload.

Step 6

Scroll through and read the text in the Event Waiver box. Once you have done this, click the button within the Event Waiver box that says "I confirm that I have read the above Event Waiver in its entirety".

You need to agree to the Event Waiver to register, so tick the button for that. 

Step 7

Your parent or guardian must authorise your entry if you are aged under 18. Tick the box in connection with this requirement. Then tick the "I am not a robot" box.

Step 8

Press "Submit" to complete your entry. You should then get an email confirmed your skipper / boat registration.


The Club no longer uses TopYacht, you will automatically be entered into the new ClubOps race management system.

You also need to read the relevant Notice of Race for the series in which you intend to race.

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