Rules and Policies

Rules, Policies and Procedures

The WSC Committee of Management may from time to time make, alter and repeal Policies for the good conduct, operation of the Club and safety of the membership. Such Policies will be binding on all Members in the same way as the Club’s Rules and By Laws. Any Policies introduced by the Committee of Management will be approved by the Members in the same manner as the By-Laws under clause 23 of the Rules.

Club rules and by-laws


Good sports policies

We have three policies around alcohol, safe transport and smoking which represents our club’s commitment to its members, volunteers and visitors, acknowledging the role that sporting clubs and associations play in building strong and healthy communities:

Boat and Kayak Storage Policy

This Policy describes the process to apply for off-the-beach boat (OTB) or kayak storage at Williamstown Sailing Club, as well as the member's obligations associated with such storage should it be allocated. It also outlines the process that will be undertaken by Williamstown Sailing Club in determining whether such storage will be allocated to a particular Member for a given season.

Download the WSC boat and kayak storage policy (PDF)

Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) policy

This policy affirms Williamstown Sailing Club’s commitment to occupational health and safety and reflects the value the club places on the health and well being of all members of its community. This policy recognises the varied uses and activities conducted by the WSC and its members, both individually and in organised events.

Download the WSC OHS policy (PDF)

Air Quality Policy

Committee of Management wishes all members to be aware of the new Club Policy on Air Quality, which has been formulated as a result of the bush fires and resulting poor air quality which occurred around our Club in January. This policy seeks to provide guidance to Instructors, OOD’s and members for safe activities during club sailing and fishing, Tackers, Learn to Sail courses, special events, functions and other club-related activities where the air quality may be compromised. It represents our club’s commitment to its members, volunteers and visitors, acknowledging the role that sporting clubs and associations play in ensuring healthy communities. Exertion such as sailing or running in these conditions has a detrimental multiplying factor to your health. A good source of up to date monitoring is the Victorian EPA website, Air Quality Index website or, for smart phone users, the IQ Air app or Emergency Management VIC app.

Download the WSC Air Quality Policy

Privacy policy

Williamstown Sailing Club is committed to providing its members with quality services and this privacy policy outlines our ongoing obligations to you in respect of how we manage your personal information.

Download the WSC Privacy policy (PDF)

Member and child protection policy

Williamstown Sailing Club has a responsibility to provide a safe and pleasant environment within the club facilities for all members’ use.

The main objective of the WSC Member and Child Protection Policy is to maintain responsible behaviour and the making of informed decisions by members and other participants in the Club. It outlines our commitment to a person’s right to be treated with respect and dignity, and to be safe and protected from discrimination, harassment and abuse. Our Policy informs everyone involved in our Club of his or her legal and ethical rights and responsibilities and the standards of behaviour that are expected of them. It also covers the care and protection of children participating in our Club’s activities.

Download the WSC Member and Child Protection Policy (PDF)

Life Membership Entitlements Policy

Issue and Return of Electronic and BiLock Keys Policy

Safe Operating Procedures

Draft policies and procedures

From time to time various draft documents will be published here so that members can provide feedback on the document under review.


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