
20 July 2021 WSC Important COVID-19 Announcement.

The Victorian Lockdown has been extended until the 27th of July at 11.59 pm. At this stage, the restrictions remain the same. Further information can be found at

15 July 2021 WSC Important COVID-19 Announcement.

As per the premier’s announcement, Victoria is in lockdown from 11.59pm Thursday 15th of July until 11.59pm 20th of July.  The intent of this lock down is to restrict unnecessary movement to prevent the spread of the virus.

Announcement – Club Covid-19 Easing 19 June 2021

Following the Victorian Government restricted activities directive on 17 June 2021 and advice from Australian Sailing, I am pleased to inform you that the Club is now able to be reopened to members, subject to certain conditions.

Vic Govt 'Circuit Breaker' extension

Today the Victorian Government has announced 'circuit breaker' restrictions will be extended until 11.59pm on Thursday 10th June 2021, but easing the travel limit from your primary place of residence to 10kms. Refer to Boating Victoria Website

Club Access is Closed

Club Access is Closed under 7-day Circuit Breaker Covid Restrictions. The Club is closed to all members and visitors until further notice. The Victorian Government

25 May 2021 - Additional COVIDSafe measures

Following the Victorian Government announcement please be advised of the following: Additional COVIDSafe measures will be put in place across Metropolitan Melbourne to help keep Victorians safe. From 6pm Tuesday 25 May within Metropolitan Melbourne, and how they apply to our Club

22 May 2021 - WSC Presentation Event

After a successful half-season of racing, the WSC 2020/21 Presentation Event will be held at the Club on the Saturday 22nd May immediately after the day's Social Sailing (target event start time is 4.00 pm).

12 May 2021 COVID Update for Club Members

Since the announcement last Sunday by the Victorian Government, we have now changed over the QR code Entry posters at the Club to the new VicGov QR code. What you need to do:

Reminder of General Meeting: Membership fee-setting

May we remind you that all annual and regular fees and subscriptions are decided by the majority of members present and entitled to vote at the General Meeting held in May each year. The fees include

Call for nominations - CoM 2021-22

Join the Committee of Management (CoM) to help shape the Club’s future. The CoM is critical for the ongoing future of the Club. It is responsible for managing the Club’s day-to-day operations including its finances, resources, facilities, sailing and fishing activities, events, marketing, membership engagement and for ensuring it complies with its governance requirements as a registered association.

Notice to members with boats on moorings

Members with boats on moorings are reminded that it is their responsibility to hold adequate insurance policies for their boats on Parks Victoria moorings.  It is also their responsibility

IT Support Officer required

Su Fraser has for many years done a wonderful job at ensuring all our computer systems and online IT facilities function seamlessly and without a hitch. Su has decided to step down from this role...

Val Hodge Trophy

Sue Burke was presented with the Val Hodge Trophy after Swallow, crewed by Jude Blackwood, secured a victory on Day 3 of this years’ Port Phillip Women’s Championship Series, held by the Royal Victorian Yacht Club on Sunday 28th February.

Club Re-Opening 17 Feb 21

The Club is Open again for use from Midnight 17 Feb 2021. Faces masks will be required outside where you cannot physically distance 1.5 metres; face masks will be required at all times inside the Clubhouse; and outdoor exercise of up to 100 people are allowed.

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