The Committee of Management is responsible for:
- Control and management the business and affairs of the Club; and
- Exercising the powers and functions of the Club (other than the powers and functions that are required to be exercised by General Meetings of the Members of the Club); and
- Performing all such acts and things as appear to the Committee to be essential for the proper management of the business and affairs of the Club; and
- Incurring necessary expenditure in connection with the maintenance of and the furthering of the purposes of the Club (provided that any proposal for the negotiation of any loan, overdraft, the issue of debentures or of any proposal to purchase, sell or mortgage land or property or of the expenditure of the sum in excess of $10,000 upon any one project must be approved at a General Meeting of Members).
The Committee of Management meets every second Wednesday of the month (except in January) at 7:30pm.